Time-saving Technical Solutions for the Airtight Sealing of Wall Penetrations
Airtightness is one of the fundamental building blocks in high-performance construction. If an assembly is airtight then air leakage, the uncontrolled inward or outward movement of air through gaps, cracks, holes, splits and tears, is reduced to a minimum. In high-performance construction, a continuous air barrier separates the interior conditioned space and the exterior environment. Some wall penetrations in this air barrier are unavoidable in order to facilitate the supply...

Tackling Overheating in Buildings – Applicable Solutions from Research
Designing a new house or retrofit project focuses on the need to retain the heat within the house, but they normally overlook the need to tackle the overheating problem which coincides with this.Overheating is generally understood to be the accumulation of warmth within a building to an extent where it causes discomfort to the occupants.Overheating is not just limited to summer days. It can also occur whenever the temperature inside...

Mould in Buildings: What is it and how can it be Prevented?
Concern about mould in construction has been increasing as people become aware that exposure to mould can cause a variety of health effects and symptoms, and impact decay of the building’s structure. As people spend a substantial part of their day indoors, be that in their homes, offices, schools, etc., ensuring and maintaining a good level of air quality is an important factor to consider when it comes to their...