We are delighted to announce that Partel will again exhibit at the New York passive house conference and expo.
Partel are a provider of next generation air and windtight systems including a complete range of monolithic WRB. Our core experience lies in passive house building; assisting Architects, Engineers, and tradesmen with design, planning and application of our high performance tapes and membranes.
We come from a technical backround, are competent and experienced with WUFI, and interact with end users to design and produce practical products that can make real differences in low energy building. Our intelligent membranes have home of the widest perm ratings and strengths on the worldwide market, Our next generation WRB's are similar with incredible tear resistance,
Our airtight tapes - using solid acrylic adhesive (No solvents) are designed to last a lifetime and we stand over this with a unique system warranty.